Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bible Teaching

When you think of your job, do you consider:



These two statements are true of mission work.  There is no higher calling than to tell people truth about God, found in the Bible.

I finished my Foundational Bible Teaching class, and I wish I was still in it.  I learned many new things from the Bible, and I now understand much more when I read the Bible.  If you would like to see the Bible in a new light, and be able to understand it better, check out the book, “The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus” by John R. Cross.  This book is based off of New Tribes Mission’s methodology for Bible teaching.

For part of the Foundational Bible Teaching class, I had to teach one of the Bible lessons, New Tribes style.  I spent several hours preparing to teach for 15 minutes to my classmates, and it went very well.  My lesson was the Garden of Gethsemane through just before the crucifixion.  Click the link below to download the audio recording of my class Bible lesson:

I work with youth in a church plant locally, and here is an update:
We recently had a camping trip in someone’s large, forest-like backyard.  The day before camping, I was taking 2 guys home, and I asked them about their previous camping trip, in which they received foundational Bible teaching.  These small-town guys of Missouri, not raised in the church at all, were able to explain their faith and God’s truth to me better than most long-term churchgoers can—Praise God!  One went camping with us again, to hear the message and to help us teach the Bible foundationally to their own friends.  It was a good trip, but we ended it early after several youth went home early, and after a football injury.  What we did teach seemed to be accepted as foundational truth.

Me teaching through the Old Testament during our camping trip.

A Thought:
Heaven is not the primary benefit of salvation—a right relationship with God is, and Heaven is the final benefit.  Heaven does not engage until after death—why should anyone live differently in this life on earth?  What is offered in the meantime: Peace, purpose, power, problems, Holy Spirit, Body of Christ, plan/purpose, saying no to sin, bringing life to others, joy, love, freedom, identity in Christ, perseverance, persecution, love for God.  Eternal life starts now.

Tribal Work
Currently, there are about 2,500 unreached people groups in the world, and one tribe is reached about every 45 days.  Definition of “Reached”: The Bible is presented to them in their heart language, in their context so they can understand it, and they have all of the information needed to make a decision to either trust God with their lives, or to reject Him and His way to pay for sin.

Depending on the field of work (the country), 15-60% of new overseas missionaries do not make it past their first year.  Pray for prepared, committed, effective workers to be sent out to go and share the best news anyone can ever hear, the Gospel.